Thursday, September 27, 2012

East Coast Food Tour Part 2

We're now just one week out from the end of our food trip through all 50 states. Have you had fun perusing the recipes I dug up for each state? Hopefully, I managed to entertain you and teach you a little something about each state and all the delicious foods unique to each.

I have enjoyed researching the diverse foods, recipes and ethnic trends each state offers up to natives and visitors alike. I hope you are inspired to go on a real food trip of your own soon and visit a state with something delicious!

Pennsylvania - Best known for it's Philly cheese steaks, Pennsylvania also boasts some popular Dutch recipes too. Since I didn't have a recipe for cheese steak, I opted to share our Corned Beef.
Corned Beef and Cabbage

Connecticut - I never expected to learn that Connecticut is best known for it's hamburgers. Here's our recipe for a Bacon Melt, which I think would be excellent with a beef patty tucked underneath all that ham!
Bacon Melt

Rhode Island - I am not exactly sure what Coffee Milk is, but that's what Rhode Island claims fame for. I'm guessing it's essentially half coffee and half milk. Here's our homemade Cappuccino Mix.
Cappuccino Mix

Massachusetts - Last this week but not least, Massachusetts revels in its Clam Chowder popularity. We've got clam chowder recipes on the site, but no pictures. Here's our Ham & Bean Soup to tempt you over!
Ham & Bean Soup

Enjoy these recipes and stay tuned for next week's final visit to Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine! Bet you can't guess what they are famous for?! Connect with us on Facebook to share your favorite state food, or visit Alicia's Recipes for more great recipe ideas!

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